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          What is the difference between a non-polar electrolytic capacitor and a polar capacitor?
          Article Source:QUNIO ELECTRONICS   time visited:   issuing time:2019-04-11

              1、Different performance:gub群奧|群奧電子|東莞群奧|樟木頭群奧|東莞電容器|東莞鋁電解電容器|東莞電容器生產(chǎn)廠家|樟木頭鋁電解電容廠家 |東莞市

              Performance is the requirement of use, and maximizing demand is the requirement for use. If the power supply part of the TV is filtered with a metal oxide film capacitor, and the capacitor capacity and withstand voltage required for filtering are to be achieved. I am afraid that I can only install a power supply inside the case. Therefore, as a filter, only polar capacitors can be used, and polar capacitors are irreversible. That is to say, the positive pole must be connected to the high potential end, and the negative pole must be connected to the low potential end. Generally, the electrolytic capacitor is above 1 microfarad, and it is used for coupling, decoupling, and power supply filtering. Most of the non-polar capacitors are below 1 microfarad, participating in resonance, coupling, frequency selection, current limiting, and so on. Of course, there is also a large capacity and high withstand voltage, which is often used in the reactive power compensation of electric power, the phase shifting of the motor, and the variable frequency power supply.
              2、Different structure:
              In principle, it is possible to use a capacitor of any shape in the environment in which the tip discharge is not considered. Commonly used electrolytic capacitors (having a polar capacitor) are circular, and the square shape is rarely used. The shape of the non-polar capacitor is very varied. Like tube type, deformed rectangle, sheet type, square type, round type, combined square type and round type, etc., it is used where it is used. Of course, there is invisible, here the invisible refers to the distributed capacitance. For distributed capacitors, high frequency and intermediate frequency devices must not be ignored.
              3、Different media:
              What is the medium? To put it bluntly is the substance between the two plates of the capacitor. Most of the polar capacitors use electrolyte as the dielectric material, and usually the same volume of capacitor has a large capacitance capacity. In addition, different electrolyte materials and processes produce polar capacitors with the same volume capacity. There is also a close relationship between pressure resistance and the use of dielectric materials. There are also many non-polar capacitor dielectric materials, mostly using metal oxide film, polyester and so on. Due to the reversible or irreversible performance of the medium, the environment with extreme and non-polar capacitance is determined.
              4、In principle:
              (1)Both store and release charge;(2)The voltage on the plate (here the electric potential accumulated by the charge is called the voltage) cannot be abruptly changed.(3)The difference is that the medium is different, the performance is different, the capacity is different, the structure is different, and the use environment and use are also different. Conversely, according to the needs of production practice, people have experimentally manufactured capacitors with various functions to meet the normal operation of various electrical appliances and the operation of new equipment. With the development of science and technology and the discovery of new materials, higher quality and diversified capacitors will continue to emerge.
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